Category Archives: Columns
Think Bella! Honey, we don’t need Bella..”Fox”.. Finishes! We’ll get along without them Very Well…
Posted on April 4, 2015Is it… Bella Faux Finishes or Bella “Fox” Finishes?
We have heard so many of the Guys pronounce “Faux” as Fox. Interior Design just isn’t high on most men’s want list.
The ladies usually are more interested in the final Interior Design decisions. But not always…
The correct pronunciation of “Faux” is shown below. It is a French word meaning false or fake.
So…Do You Really Need – Bella Faux Finishes?
No, Faux Finishes and Decorative Finishes in your home, are a Want and not a Need“.
But One Question though, do your Friends and Family tell you how much they Love your Home, asking many questions and wanting to borrow some of your Interior Design Ideas?
Is the Interior Design of your home brought up in conversations, over and over?
“What really is… The Wow Effect?” – Someday, somewhere down the road, you will be going to a restaurant, vacationing at a hotel or visiting a friends residence.
On that day, from what you are viewing, your appreciation for Great Interior Design, created by layering … Color, Texture and Effect, will change your opinion about Decorative Finishes and Faux Finishes… Forever!
You will feel a warm intense emotion, the moment you enter the room. You will look around, all of your senses will be heightened, your curiosity about what you are seeing will tug at you and then you will unknowingly express this unique experience by Quietly Whispering…. Wow! (Have you experienced this before?)
So my message this month is, No… you do not need Decorative Finishes, Faux Finishes or even Fox Finishes. But if you would like your home to be unique from everyone else’s, then you may want to explore the idea…
I just want to open your mind to the possibilities… of introducing a unique Decorative Finish or Italian Venetian Plaster in your home.
“Below, the talented Diana Krall sings and old standard written by Hoagy Carmichael in 1939, “I Get Along Without You Very Well”. Many people have sang this great song from Frank Sinatra on, but I love Diana Kralls version the Best!”
If you are looking for something Unique in your Home, then maybe… someday, you would like to sit down and share some new ideas about your project. David and I would love to meet you! There is never… ever… a Hint of obligation. David and I are just honored to have the opportunity to meet you, hear your story and share our Interior Design Ideas and Art.
Bella Faux Finishes – You can reach us at Contact Us or Request a Quote. Also, to learn more about the Bella Effect, click on the Testimonials we have received. Please call early on your project, as our schedule can fill up through the year.
Important – If you are interested in what you see, then I would encourage you to “Like Us” on Facebook. Here you will get to view our New Projects First and our New Decorative Finishes.
Interior Design Budget – You do need to set a budget, but we have stunning Decorative Finishes for every size budget!
Our Interior Design Process is Easy… Just pick One Room or Unique Area to… Wow!
It could be a Crows Foot Tray Ceiling that is sadly sleeping in effect, a Niche that is begging for an Interior Design Purpose or your Pale White Columns that are hungry for something to Boost their Self-Esteem…
Thanks for those following our “Think Bella” blog! Who knows, maybe we will get a chance to meet down the road. You can’t miss my Gray Hair…
Also if you are interested in Interior Design and would like to learn a little more on How To Create the Wow Effect, read “The 7 Interior Design Mistakes”. It will give you the structure on where to start first.
Wishing everyone the Best!
Think Bella! Think Beautiful Columns! Valentines Day is here, Find your Love & Passion!
Posted on February 5, 2015Marbled Columns…. Who doesn’t Love to View, Touch and Ponder the movement of various marbles.
Capturing the color tones, the depth and how the veining intertwines… layers around each other, curling, moving and hiding is truly a “Visual Feast” for the eyes!
The Historic Art and Techniques of Marbling – From the the very first day of marbling, I knew this was going to be an Art that I would love for many years!
David and I, have had alot of fun with columns through the years. But there are many challenges, such as determining the best top coat to seal, protect and enhance the marbling. This seems like a simple decision, but there are many options available, but not all will create the effect or depth you are looking for.
Also, when you discover a marble movement and layering that you Love and then trying to recreate this movement with a brush or trowel, is not always easy.
But it’s all part of the Passion and Love, learning this remarkable historic Art.
Through history, there have been a variety of methods and perspectives on how to approach the Art of Marbling.
The most famous are the Italian Style and the French Style.
At Bella Faux Finishes we specialize in both styles, many times, combining their techniques to create a Unique Marble Finish.
The Artisan Tools that we use:
(1) Trowel – Italian Venetian Plaster or Italian Finishes. Both of these methods can create a real marble finish or textured marble finish by painting with a trowel.
(2) Variety of Brushes – Here you have more freedom to create a variety of effects. We have many different brushes and Artisan tools to move and create magic with a dab of paint…
Lets Talk about Your Columns – Do you have any “Naked Columns” in your Home or Business, that are begging for attention?
Don’t be afraid to give us a call. We would love to meet you and your columns and share some ideas and possibilities in the world of marbling.
Our company is Bella Faux Finishes. You can reach my son David and I at Contact Us or Request a Quote.
To learn more about working with Bella Faux, you can read some of the Testimonials we have received through the years. We look forward to meeting you and hearing your story someday!
Below, I will share some pictures of marbling, various projects and some of the people in our lives that are special on this… Valentines Day month.
Happy Valentines Day Everyone, wishing everyone the Best!
Important – If you would like to view our Art First, before anyone else, then Like Us on Facebook.
Here is where we share our projects and New Art from the Studio… First!
I think you will Love what you see!
I know… you will leave with some ideas for your next project…

Bella Faux Finishes, LLC – Our Marble Sample is in the middle, Inspiration from other Famous Artisans are in the pictures that surround ours…
Below, the final coats of a gloss sealer have not been applied yet. After they are sprayed and honed they should be fun to look at and touch!
Below, Great Song from the movie “Begin Again”. Whether your Passion & Love follows the Arts or the Passion & Love in your Relationships, Hang on to this fleeting energy. Don’t take your Passions or your personal Relationships for granted! Everything that we do in life is better, when it is driven by this powerful emotion…
Below a sample of marbling we created in the Bella Faux Studio. There are so many possibilities with this Art…

My Mom and Dad, Robert and Jerrine Nordgren. They will be married 67 years on Valentines day…. Incredible! They Love each other so much!

Italian Venetian Plaster walls – Italian Art in the Octagon Ceiling – Master Artisans – Bella Faux Finishes, LLC
Excited about the Pool Columns that are in our future. These will be Fun and Challenging, to create a marbling that compliments the real marble columns…